Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Day 2

Taper has officially begun. We got to the course around 9am and started the epic process of rigging. Rather than shipping out boats to Lithuania, we use the boats from Hudson that are already in Europe. This means that we have to re-rig these boats to fit us, which involves more than just slapping on some riggers and adjusting the slides. For example, we had to switch Christine's and my shoes, which meant we had to undo the steering and taking the shoes off the foot plates etc. Michelle takes the time to measure all the angles and measurements on the boat before we leave so we can set up our boat in Lithuania exactly like the one we were rowing in London (Ontario). All in all, the process took two hours.....which unfortunately left us time for a 27 minute row before our bus pulled into the parking lot to bring us back to our hotel.
Second row was a simple cat6 12k row to flush out the legs and get used to the course. We shared the course with both the Australian and New Zealand team, as well as some locals. I am excited to see where we stand once the racing begins, but for now we are focusing on each row like it was a practice back at home. Sometimes I have to remind myself that we are halfway across the globe.
The rest of the week, and half of next week will involve more tapering and possibly some sight seeing. I may skip a day or two of blogging unless something really exciting happens. 

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